Vision and Strategy Committee

The Vision and Strategy Committee was established in 2023. Member of this committee want to dream, be creative and move the Presbytery in a positive direction. Vision and Strategy will keep an eye on the "big picture" (or the mission, purpose, and vision) of the Presbytery, as guided by the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Members of Vision & Strategy (alphabetical order)

Karen Dimon

Steve Eidt, vice chair

Ashley Gouger         

Rita Hooper               

Bill Newell                

Susan Smith           

Deb Thomas, chair

Linda Van Buskirk                          

Karen Wolff

As the Vision and Strategy Committee meets in churches around the presbytery, we have been talking to leaders about how we might help equip and resource congregations. One of the most often repeated need that has emerged is the desire for training and education on various topics. In order to prioritize these topics, we’d like to hear from you. We value your input. Your voice is important. As we remind ourselves often, the presbytery is not the leaders, staff, officers or any one individual—it is all of us. Together, we are “the presbytery.”

If any of the topics listed below are of interest to your congregation, please let us know. Likewise, if you have a specific need or other suggestions for topics to educate, equip and resource your congregation, please share your ideas with Rev. Deb Thomas (chair,) Interim Resource Presbyter Rev. Kathy Dain, Moderator Rev. Garrett Anderson, Vice Moderator Elder Lynn Jacques or any member of the Vision & Strategy Committee. Thanks for your help.

In faith and service,

Rev. Deb Thomas

Some topics of interest to equip the congregations

What does it mean to be a Matthew 25 presbytery/church?

  • Mission and Social Justice Concerns (inc. racism, gender equality, respect for all people, etc.)

Elder/Deacon training

  • Specific to the constitutional questions & vows church officers make.

  • What does the Book of Order say about the role of officers, session and boards?

What does it mean to be a “Confessional Church?” 

  • What is the Book of Confessions and why is it important?

  • Presbyterian beliefs, Reformed Theology, and essential tenets.

Older Adult Ministries

Sunday School Superintendent, Teacher, and Youth Group Leader Training

Responding to Christian Nationalism

Church and clergy financial concerns

  • Insurance, audits, per capita, budgets...

  • Clergy taxes, Board of Pensions...

  • Annual reports, grant writing...

  • Presbyterian Foundation and other opportunities to give.

  • Stewardship: encouraging an abundance mindset (as opposed to scarcity.)

Featured in Presbytery Matters on February 29, 2024