Building Congregational Vitality
7 Marks of a Vital Congregation
A commitment to forming disciples over every member’s lifetime. This leads first to personal transformation, as people put on the heart of Christ, and then to social transformation, as people joyfully go forth into the community and tackle the issues facing today’s culture.
Embracing the call to evangelism. We show forth the love of Christ by our actions and our lives even more than by our words. Our relationships are genuine and caring. People know we are Christians by our love.
An outward focus. Our church is not a place to escape from the world, but rather our gateway to our community where we may be the hands, feet, heart and mouth of Jesus Christ for people who are suffering or marginalized.
Empowering every member to discover their individual calling and the gifts God has given them so they can go forth and serve.
Spirit-inspired worship that challenges, teaches, transforms, convicts and energizes us so when we are sent out, we have experienced the wonder of God and are changed for the better from when we arrived.
Caring relationships modeled on God’s love. We open our doors and hearts to all people, and we build relationships modeled on God’s love, which leads to genuine reconciliation and peace.
Congregations with healthy systems. Our mission focuses are clear. There is fiscal responsibility and accountability. We have thoughtful decision-making structures. Our leaders and staff enjoy a sustainable balance of work/rest time.
Denominational Resources for Building Congregational Vitality can be found on this page, but also at: https://www.presbyterianmission.org/ministries/matthew-25/vitality/
Explore the 8 Habits of Evangelism to consider what evangelism means in your congregational or community context
Consider joining the Vital Congregations initiative or use some of its resources and suggestions to revitalize your congregational life
Use the Engage curriculum to become relevant, share your faith, and attract people to your community
Read or offer book studies on these suggested books:
InterGenerate: Transforming Churches through Intergenerational Ministry by Holly Catterton Allen and Jason Brian Santos.
Light to the Nations: The Missional Church and the Biblical Story by Michael W. Goheen.
Shift: Three Big Moves for the 21st Century Church by Mark E. Tidsworth.
Use components of the Matthew 25 worship resource for Building Congregational Vitality
Use the lectionary resources for A Year with Matthew 25
Find other worship resources to create a vibrant and spirit-filled worship experience in your community
Learn about and form a relationship with one of the new worshiping communities in your area.
Host an Exploring Missional Leadership event with facilitation from 1001 New Worshiping Communities or email facilitator Michael.gerling@pcusa.org)
Connect with non-profit organizations, other churches, ecumenical and interfaith organizations to build relationships and discern common ministries to pursue.
Learn about your own congregation’s strengths by taking the U.S. Congregational Vitality Survey
Assess your neighborhood to discern your action and involvement in the community. Use the Starting New Worshipping Communities: A Comprehensive Guide
Consider God’s call for your global involvement.
Consider a Collaboration Agreement to support an immigrant New Worshiping Community
Share video stories and connect with other worshiping communities: Ebenezer Church, New Creation Church, Hope Presbyterian Church, Light of Hope Presbyterian Church – Building Congregation Vitality
Use your building space or grounds to partner with community groups
Volunteer in the community with the skills and wisdom of your worshiping community members