Commission on Ministry
Co-Chairs: Mike Depew (mdepew12@yahoo.com) & Shawn Reyburn (sdreyburn@gmail.com)
The primary responsibilities of the COM are best fulfilled by fostering healthy ministries in the congregations of the presbytery. This is accomplished by serving as a pastor and counselor to the ministers of the presbytery; facilitating the relations between congregations, ministers and the presbytery and to settle differences on behalf of the presbytery when possible. -
Preparation for Ministry
Co-Chairs: Beth Dubois (beth.dubois51@gmail.com) & Lynn Jacques (lmjacques@verizon.net)
The Committee on Preparation for Ministry is responsible to guide the process that prepares individuals to be ordained as ministers of Word and Sacrament. -
Nominating Committee
Chair: Shavonn Lynch (Lynchshavonn@yahoo.com)
The Nominating Committee serves the Presbytery in nominating leadership for the Leadership Team, Synod and General Assembly positions as well as other positions within the Presbytery. -
1001 Worshipping Communities
Co-Chairs: Karen Fay (Fimtay@gmail.com) & Nancy Wind (nawind86@gmail.com)
The purpose of the NWC workgroup is to support the exploration, development and sustainability of New Worshiping Communities in the presbytery, with the added potential of revitalizing existing and established churches by connecting those congregations to the mission of God in their neighborhoods. -
Committee on Representation
Chair: James Moore (jamesmoorenow@isaiah5811.com) & Neil Rotach (neil.rotach@yahoo.com)
The Committee on Representation exists to advocate for diversity in the leadership of the Presbytery and to review the performance of the Presbytery in this regard and report it annually to the Synod. COR also works with the Nominating Committee in advising the committee regarding representation. -
Social Justice Committee
Chair: Brian Copeland (copelandbrianc@gmail.com)
The Social Justice Committee works to provide opportunities for congregations to act in ways that support the intersection of the Gospel and justice.
Worship and Events
Chairs: Neil Rotach (neil.rotach@yahoo.com) and James Moore (jamesmoorenow@isaiah5811.com)
This team provides worship for Presbytery gatherings as well as opportunities for the Presbytery to gather in fellowship throughout the year.
Permanent Judicial Commission
Contact: Stated Clerk (statedclerk@cayugasyracuse.org)
The Permanent Judicial Commission reviews and acts upon any cases of administrative or judicial process referred to them by the Presbytery.
Finance and Property
Chair: Bob Davenport (inspections4u@aol.com)
The Finance and Property committee develops the budget, maintains financial records, and works with congregations in regards to property issues.